
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Soul Curry

The Great Indian Butterfly

The Great Indian Butterfly is a movie that portrays the struggles of life in the modern times...growing distances between people, couples specifically... dwindling communication, mechanical lives and definitely diminishing happiness...

It depicts the modern times, the days in which we live, our generation, how we lose track of things that make us happy and slowly, even of ourselves... and, the decay in the quality of our lives...

It represents the lives of some of us in our generation... and it definitely represents what will be the lives of most, in the coming generations... or perhaps i should call it an existence... I'd be glorifying it by calling it a life...

All of us can relate to some part of the movie or the other... There probably are better movies on the same issue which I havent watched... but the movie is set completely in our times... which probably makes it easier for us to relate to... several issues in the movie might seem like they arent relevant to some of us because our lives havent gone as bad... or dont seem like they ever will... and if that is so , there couldnt be anything better... but it certainly is relevant for a lot of us... and increasingly so... and I wouldnt really say that its an amazing movie... its not the kind of movie that you watch and feel like you've woken up from your blind sleep... but, its a nice movie... a simple movie with a simple message... but an important message nevertheless... definitely will set you thinking....
P.S: I noticed many more subtle things about the movie and the dynamics between the couple when i watched it for the 2nd time.

It shows how we would go so far to find what lies within us...and without even realising it....!!

Hope you all find your Great Indian Butterflies...

The Curry Pot


  1. is the movie life in a metro based on this movie?/

  2. Hi emkay ! thanks for reading my blog.. and no, i dont think either movie is based on the other... they are both different, though they are based on similar themes at a certain level... but i feel both movies are quite different actually ...
