
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Another day in para-dies

A few days back, I was stuck in what possibly was, one of the worst traffic jams in Bangalore since I started working on the busy side of town... Finding what looked like half the city, piled up in front of you, completely stationary (apart from some of those noisy little bikers trying to squeeze into spaces that can't accommodate a needle, and not to mention, their faces lit up with the confidence of James bond, long bushy side-locks, the am I too cool or what????- expression and brilliantly bright clothes that reminded me of the colours we see on holi.... aahh !!! What style!!!) can be pretty irritating eh??? To make things worse there were barbarians who subjected us already troubled victims, to the not so fragrant, wonderful gasses from their vehicles’ exhaust pipes…. After about 20 minutes of looking around at all the annoyed faces, (all of whom looked like they would club the first person they met after getting out of here) I gave up the idea of starting a random conversation with any of them parked close by about their bikes and stuff (quite a common topic of discussion among guys at traffic signals). And though I am usually not the type that would trouble the pedestrians, I actually, for a moment was eyeing the footpath (sidewalk) as the only way out for me and my poor bike (after nearly 30 min of gaping at the others present there and off course myself in the mirror)… however, my only hope was quickly destroyed as, the bikes, I found had lined up so closely that there wasn’t enough space to drop en egg let alone pass a bike… and as if the situation wasn’t bad enough we also had another breed of people who had gone unnoticed all this while… “The mindless honkers”… who knew no one had anywhere to go but still honked on and on as if that was the last time they would be able to let their fingers loose on those little noise producing buttons in their lives.. Bugged as I was by the end of it, I happened to notice this guy with a t-shirt that read.... “I HATE MYSELF AND I WANT TO DIE” for a brief moment I just wondered how apt that line seemed given the situation and thought to myself “Well, you’ve certainly come to the right place”.

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